Study program to promote entrepreneurial thinking and action
The Chair of Business and Entrepreneurship Education offers interdisciplinary seminars for students of all disciplines as part of the entrepreneurship curriculum.
The aim is to sensitize students to the topic of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and to promote and develop entrepreneurial skills and abilities. Science and business are dovetailed in such a way that, in addition to teaching content (entrepreneurial behavior & environment, economic significance of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship versus intrapreneurship), students can also actively engage with the central requirements (competencies) and instruments of business plan development.
Students are encouraged and guided to develop their own ideas and generate projects. They are supported in analyzing their implementation options and trying out their entrepreneurial skills in a practice-oriented manner in a realistic environment.
Module I of the start-up course “Success factors for self-employment”
Sub-module I of the foundation course “Success factors for self-employment” serves to raise students' general awareness of the entrepreneurial perspective. Entrepreneurial skills are acquired that enable the innovative utilization of knowledge.
Content perspective:
Students learn
- to adopt the perspectives for professional independence and to develop their personal entrepreneurial skills,
- to research the significance of entrepreneurship for society as a whole and the regional economy,
- know how to identify sector-specific characteristics and their impact on the prospects of success of start-up projects,
- analyze start-up processes and
- know and apply entrepreneurial skills.
Competence perspective:
Students can
- define their personal performance profile and understand the targeted expansion of their skills profile as a fundamental element of their personal development,
- assess the importance of start-ups and SMEs in the economic and social structure,
- apply the process steps of setting up a business and
- analyze industry structures and draw conclusions for their own actions.
Credit points: 6
Recognition: The possibilities for recognition can be found in the respective study regulations or can be obtained from the relevant examination offices.
Information on time and place will be announced on StudIP.
Sub-module II of the foundation theory “Idea generation and development”
In sub-module II of the foundation course “Idea generation and development”, students learn the theoretical and practical basics of professional independence, work on a problem from the business world and develop solutions using the design thinking method.
Content perspective:
Students learn
- get to know creativity techniques,
- how to screen business ideas,
- use the SWOT analysis as a tool,
- know team and leadership skills (including cooperation and conflicts) and how to apply them,
- know the business model analysis, in particular the value chain,
- carry out re-engineering and process optimization,
- market research instruments and
- know about industrial property rights (utility models, patents).
Competence perspective:
Students will be able to
- identify and use creativity techniques,
- apply procedures/criteria for screening business ideas,
- use the SWOT analysis,
- apply the instruments of process optimization, taking into account the prerequisites for product and process innovation,
- assess the importance of protecting business ideas.
Credit points: 6
Recognition: The possibilities for recognition can be found in the respective study regulations or can be obtained from the relevant examination offices.
Information on time and place will be announced on StudIP.