Procedure & dates

7 steps to a successful startup!

Step 1: Registration via the registration form

Step 1: Registration

Participants should register for the competition with a brief description of the idea.

Registration takes place via the online registration form.

Even without prior registration, the refined idea sketch can be submitted by e-mail to zfeuni-rostockde by 02nd June 2025 (see step 3).

The following information is required for online registration:

  • Name of the idea
  • Short description of the idea (up to 500 characters)
  • Team spokesperson
  • Faculty/department or research institution
  • Category
  • Contact details
  • Team members
Step 2: Skills development phase

Step 2: Skills development phase

After registering for the competition, there is a six-week skills development phase. During this period, various coordinated events, seminars and consultations are offered to help with the creation and further development of the idea sketches. Event information can be found here. You can gain further qualifications in the Campus Cup Entrepreneurship and Management Training with priME SIM Entrepreneurship and experienced trainers (m/f/d) from entrepreneurial practice. Please register here.

Attending these preparatory events enhances the skills and know-how of the participants and thus increases their chances of winning. These events are free of charge for participants in the ideas competition.

Support for those submitting ideas is primarily provided by the relevant staff at the participating colleges or universities and is also supported by members of the expert network with free advice and seminars. The individual offers will be communicated to the participants after registration for the competition.

Step 3: Submission of the idea sketch by 2nd June 2025

Step 3: Submission of the idea sketch

The idea outline must be submitted by 2nd June 2025 at the latest by e-mail to zfeuni-rostockde

The documents to be submitted include:

1. the refined idea outline
2. evidence of a mentor from industry and/or academia, if applicable
    (experience has shown that the support of a mentor increases the chances of success in the competition)

An independent jury consisting of experienced scientists and entrepreneurs will then select the maximum of 12 best ideas in each category from the ideas submitted.

You can download the outline for the idea sketch here.

Step 4: Presentation at the local ideas competition

Step 4: Presentation at the local ideas competition

The maximum of 12 best teams will have the opportunity to present their ideas to an expert jury consisting of representatives from business, science and politics on 17th June 2025. The public award ceremony for the best ideas and the special prizes will take place afterwards.

Step 5: Presentation at the state-wide ideas competition

Step 5: Presentation at the state-wide ideas competition

The best teams from the local competitions at the participating university and college locations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will be given the opportunity to take part in the state-wide ideas competition MV in July 2025. The qualified idea holders will be informed of their participation and the venue in good time.

The finalists will once again present their ideas to a high-caliber jury.

This will be followed by a public award ceremony for the best ideas in a dignified setting.

Step 6: Intensive workshop "Rockit Week"

Step 6: Intensive workshop "Rockit Week"

As part of the nationwide ideas competition, from 27th to 31st 2025, the participating idea holders will have the opportunity to further develop their ideas through an interactive mix of theory, group and individual work and to immediately apply what they have learned "hands on" to their own projects.

In terms of content, the Rock-it Week focuses on the further development of ideas and the development of business models using the latest creative methods and models, including

  • Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas
  • Design Thinking and Visual Thinking
  • Golden Circle/ The 6 Incredibles/ How To Make Toast
  • and much more!
Step 7: Berlin Valley Tour

Step 7: Berlin Valley Tour

We will be exploring Berlin's start-up scene (dates to be announced). For this purpose, we will put together an optimal daily schedule with suitable coaching offers for each team individually. Let us surprise you! Hotel and dinner are provided.

In terms of content, during these 2 days we will focus on

  • the further development of your ideas,
  • a creative exchange of experiences,
  • individual and detailed coaching,
  • an evening program and
  • Networking, networking, networking!

sponsored by: 

Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025

Application for the 2025 ideas competition

Application for the 2025 ideas competition

Submit your idea to us now!

Outline idea sketch

Workshops & Seminars

Registration for workshops

We provide advice on the EXIST start-up grant and EXIST research transfer

We provide advice on the EXIST start-up grant and EXIST research transfer